
Friday, June 22, 2012

Three Transforming Weeks of Program

These last few weeks have really flown by!  Although it really does seem like just yesterday that I was moving into SMU, I have now been here for four weeks and have completed three weeks of day camp at Chapel Hill UMC.  The constant tiredness I feel each day has prevented me from writing a blog post as often as I would like, but I will try to sum up each week now.

Week 1:  We're All Famous! was the theme.  The kids made some exciting crafts like cameras as they learned more about each other and realized that they were all special and important to God for who they were and not for being a celebrity.  This was a crazy week as I had to get used to the daily schedule and how the long the work day was.  Getting to know each kid seemed overwhelming at first as I was confronted with 90 elementary kids, but this challenge also got easier with time.  For team bonding, the Chapel Hill team went to BJ's to get a party platter pizooki that was literally humongous, but of course we finished it because we are undefeated.

Week 2: Under the Sea was the theme.  The kids got to experience lots of fun water-themed activities like painting sea shells and I also led them in singing Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid.  It was a shorter week for me as I was lucky enough to take the LSAT that Monday.  For some reason, I kept thinking of (Warning: Full House analogy) when DJ was so stressed out about taking the SAT, her family reassured her by saying that it was only a test.  Although the LSAT does have far-reaching consequences, constantly thinking that it was just a test kept me calm for much of the days and hours before taking the test.  On Friday, we got to have a water day for all of the kids.  With the help of the second coolest Methodist church from Lewisville, Vista Ridge UMC, we put on a water day the kids will never forget (Once again, Chapel Hill = undefeated).

Week 3:  Wild and Wacky was the theme. Every day we had a different wild and wacky theme with Dr. Seuss Monday, Mad Scientist Tuesday, Backwards Wednesday, and Carnival Thursday.  It was literally a wild and wacky week that included a news crew, youth helping lead activities, sick team members, rotten watermelons, and family fun night.  I am very grateful for THE coolest Methodist church in Lewisville, FUMC Lewisville, for coming out and helping cook and serve dinner for over 100 kids and their families.  It was so much fun for all involved and was a great success!

The weeks keep flying by with so much happening!  Life keeping trucking along as I prepare to speak at Holy Covenant UMC on Sunday.  With so much happening, it's hard to take a pause and look back at what was, but as I do, I am once again grateful for this experience and I can't wait to see what comes next this summer.

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