
Sunday, February 26, 2012

In Defense of Planned Parenthood

Actually... this will be a defense of the Susan G. Komen Foundation and its supporters.  Instead of rehashing the events, I decided I would go over a couple of points that we have all learned from this situation.

1.  Once an organization donates money to Planned Parenthood, they will have to continue to donate money to Planned Parenthood every year forever and ever.  If they do not, liberals will vilify them as promoting a war against women.  Because Planned Parenthood is the darling of the left, they do not want to see any funding cut from it.  Susan G. Komen, as a private charity, has the right to donate their money to whoever they want.  The Komen Foundation exists to eradicate breast cancer and to support those who have it.  They give to other organizations that support this mission.  However, Planned Parenthood provides so little breast cancer services that it doesn't even do mammograms.  They do little more than just referring patients to doctors.  Why Susan G. Komen ever gave Planned Parenthood money is beyond me as the two organizations' goals are so different.

2.  When it comes down to it, we should expect liberals to take the side of an organization that supports the destruction of life over an organization whose main mission is to save lives.  It is not enough for liberals that the Komen Foundation has invested billions of dollars in breast cancer research over the past three decades, but they must now also use their own donations to help fund an organization that does pretty much nothing in the form of breast cancer services.  Because of what Planned Parenthood provides, liberals will do just about anything to ensure their future success even if it means demonizing an organization like the Komen Foundation which has done so much good work for women in the past.  Somehow, the Susan G. Komen Foundation whose main goal it to stop breast cancer is the villain while the organization that destroys life every day of the week by providing abortions is the innocent victim.

With that being said, abortion is a perfectly legal operation and the likelihood of Roe v Wade being overturned is slim.  This does not mean, however, that we should be required to support organizations that provide these services and that if one doesn't support places like Planned Parenthood, it makes us anti-women.  Although it is much easier to resort to name-calling when discussing politics, it usually just means that a specific side cannot argue on the merits of their side and must use it as a last resort as liberals did in this situation.


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