
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The NFL's Fair Share

In honor of the Super Bowl, I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the NFL.

Nobody will debate whether or not the NFL is successful financially, but is it too successful?  The NFL makes billions of dollars a year in ticket sales, TV licensing, memorabilia, etc.  However, the other professional sports leagues like the MLB and the NBA can't come anywhere close to that type of revenue.  Because of this, I think it is time for the NFL to start paying their fair share.  Because everyone knows that people who become successful do it at the expense of the less fortunate, the NFL clearly has gained success unfairly.  The average NFL team is worth close to $1 billion dollars while the average MLB team is worth $475 million and the average NBA team is worth $375 million.  This means that the average football team is worth more than a baseball team and a basketball team combined.  The inequality is stunning.

So what to do to fix this terrible injustice?  First, we should add a tax on all of NFL's earning that will be redistributed to the less successful professional sport leagues to ensure a more equal playing field (no pun intended) between the different leagues.  Second, we should make sure to vilify the NFL for their success because I'm sure they gained such financial strength at the expense of the poorer leagues, and of course the other leagues should not be blamed for their lack of success.  They're just doing the best with what they were given.  Finally, we should organize a large movement attacking the NFL for their success.  We could stage protests around the country at different NFL stadiums and call it something like Occupy NFL.  During these protests, we could create riots, break laws, attack police officers, etc.  Although our message wouldn't be entirely clear, we could get a lot of attention because that's all that really matters.

Does this sound stupid?  Good, it should.  Vilifying the people who have become successful and forcing them to bare the brunt of massive entitlement programs for the unsuccessful is ridiculous.  We should applaud people and groups like the NFL who live out the American Dream by creating wealth not just for themselves but for the thousands of people that they or their company employs.  Class warfare will not solve America's deficit or debt problems, it will only tear apart the nation.


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