
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The No Spin Zone: The Debt Ceiling Issue

Note: My ideas are solely mine and do not represent any Senator who I may or may not be working for.

Once again, these politicians on Capitol Hill have kept everyone around the world on their toes waiting for a compromise that will raise the debt ceiling. So far, some of the major proposals that have gained some traction have included the Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill and the so-called "Gang of Six" Plan.  These will be the two that this blog post will be about.

Many of the staunch fiscal conservatives have voiced their support for the Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill that had passed through the House and was up for a Senate vote on Friday morning. Many believed that this was the best plan because it significantly cut spending, capped discretionary spending at a certain percentage of GDP, and called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Many who voiced their support of this measure, unfortunately have also spoken about their disdain for President Obama. Many of the comments I have seen have been classless and uncalled for. Some believe that he was a liar that should be thrown out of office immediately. And while I can't emphasize enough the fact that I don’t agree with President Obama on many, many different policy issues, I do not believe that this kind of language is acceptable. It was not too long ago that despicable, awful things things were said about then-President Bush by his opponents, and I still remember how disgusted I was that people would say such terrible things about the sitting president. Whether our President's name ends with the label D or R, we as Americans should be above this, but unfortunately it only seems to be getting worse.

I also would have a few questions for these people supporting the CCB Bill like: What happens when the Senate kills the bill (which it did)? What happens when President Obama vetoes it (which is what he promised to do if the bill ever got to him)? While there are many aspects of the bill I agree with, the CCB Act was destined to fail because of the Democratic majority in the Senate, something that these people were either unaware of or just flatly ignored.

The other major plan proposed this past week was the “Gang of Six” Plan. While this bill was supported on both sides of the aisle, it was also derided on both sides of the aisle. While 75% of the deficit reductions of this four trillion-dollar proposal came from spending cuts, many were not happy that the other 25% would come from tax increases on the wealthy as well as the closing of various tax loopholes. The Gang of Six proposal was, in my opinion, a very reasonable plan. It significantly cut spending over the next ten years while only slightly increasing taxes on the wealthy. It was a proposal that could pass the Senate and that President Obama would sign. Even though the Gang of Six proposal had bipartisan support and was much more likely to be enacted than the soon-to-be-killed Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill, it has not stopped many Americans from saying that Republican politicians who support this should be ashamed of themselves.

And you know what, 
if it’s shameful to compromise with politicians from the other side of the aisle
and if it’s shameful to not want the government to shut down, 
then I as a politician would be perfectly happy with being called shameful.


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