
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fourth of July

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to spend my Fourth of July in Washington, D.C.  Not only did I get to be with good friends, but I witnessed the firework spectacular on the National Mall right in front of the Washington Monument looking towards the Lincoln Memorial.  Sitting between these monuments celebrating America's two greatest Presidents were literally thousands of my closest friends.  As I looked around at the multitudes that turned out, I noticed the diversity of the people who had gathered.  There were people of different races and ethnicities, and speaking different languages.  Many people have a hard time respecting other people's cultures, not understanding that it was a conglomeration of different cultures from around the world that made America what it is today.

From the very first settlers, immigrants have come to this country with the hope and the prospect to make their lives better.  The Puritans wanted religious freedom.  Others immigrated from their homeland because of famine (Irish), intolerance (Jews), political oppression (Germans), and of course for better financial prosperity. People come to America knowing their lives will be enriched, and that their offspring will have better lives.  Often times, however, these immigrants were not thrown a welcome parade by the current Americans. They were often viewed as sub-human because of their ethnicity or skin color. Wouldn't it just be terrible if this practice still continued today?

Now back to the fireworks.  On a day where every American comes together to celebrate the freedoms we enjoy, I think about the many recent immigrants that I shared the National Lawn with, and how this country and these fireworks symbolize not just so many things for me, but for them as well:        

Peace for all.
Prosperity for all.
Hope for all.

God Bless America.


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