
Monday, October 1, 2012

And There Went September

I can't believe that September went by so quickly and it is now October.  So many things happened over the past month and I was unable to write about everything so here I'll just summarize some of the highlights of the past month.

The Romney 47% Tapes: A couple of weeks ago, a liberal website published secretly and illegally recorded videotapes of Mitt Romney saying some unflattering things about 47% of Americans.  While I think it was unfortunate that he said those statements, I think he does have a point that the Democrats (and somewhat the Republicans) prosper the most by making their constituents feel like victims whether through economic or market forces or through government action.  By perpetuating myths about victimization, both political parties take away from the people who are actually victims of hatred and bigotry due to their ethnicity or sexual orientation.  Creating false victim statuses for people groups who do not deserve them does nothing to cure the inequality that we see today in America.

The Collapse of the Razorback Football Team: Much has been written and said about this topic as I and just about every other Hog fan in Arkansas and around the country are beyond disappointed in how the season is playing out.  I could say that our football team should be embarrassed or ashamed of how they have performed so far, but I'm sure the already are.  It's truly unfortunate that such a disaster has ensued because Jeff Long showed integrity and made the right decision in firing former head coach Bobby Petrino.  It has become obvious that John L Smith was not the right coach to replace Petrino, but there is much blame to go around.  I think it's okay for a fan to be critical as there are many college football programs where criticism is strictly forbidden which causes them to live in a fantasyland where they think their football team is the best in the nation when in actuality they're typically only mediocre at best.  Although it might be okay to criticize the efforts of the football team and the athletic department, we should never allow that criticism to become demeaning or mean-spirited as that will do nothing to turn around the season and will only spread ill-will among the Razorback Nation. 

As I march towards graduation, there is still much to do as I am still in the midst of law school applications, grad school applications, and much more.  Life continues to go on here in Fayetteville as I experience more lasts whether it be my last Bikes, Blues, and BBQ or the beginning of my last fall here, and I'm enjoying my time here as much as I can.

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