
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year?

In Joy - Incredible moments occurred from literally the beginning of 2012 to the end as I got to spend time with friends I had not seen regularly during much of 2011.  The random things we do like driving all of the way to Springfield to go to a small zoo and creation museum I will always remember fondly.  In addition, I met so many new great people over the summer when I interned for Project Transformation.  Although I was exhausted by the end of just about everyday, I knew my time had been well spent as I saw the joy in all of the children's faces as they opened their gift from us and the many donors who helped us buy three new books for each kid.          

In Strife -  Bitter disagreement over the future of our country marked much of 2012 due to the presidential election.  As had been said before by many other people, the 2012 election quickly turned not into a policy debate, but into rampant character assassinations allowed the election to turn into a popularity contest where the electorate wasn't voting for specific ideas or platforms but on who they liked better.  It's sad that in the world of politics today, the widely held belief is that the ends justifies the means as this allows a successful businessman and governor to be called a tax cheat, a racist, and a murderer.  May the new year bring a more meaningful debate on the substantial issues that matter and reconciliation between those who were in disagreement with one another.

In Sorrow - On one of my first mornings home for Christmas break, I had the TV turned to Fox News as they were just beginning to report on a possible shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.  As I continued to watch for the next couple of hours, the death toll continued to increase. This confirmed my belief that although we live in a culture of violence, it is greatly intensified by such availability of guns like the high capacity assault rifles used in the shooting.  As we mourn the loss of over 20 young children, I hope that others begin to realize that the second amendment does not guarantee the right for all people to have all types of guns.

Finally, we can measure the year in love.  I hope that all who took the time to read this experienced love in some way or another this past year and that 2013 will be once again a year filled with love.

Jeremy Ryan Page

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