
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Not Much Longer To Go

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity with so much happening as the final weeks of Project Transformation start to happen.  Week 6 at Chapel Hill, we did Disney Week!  It was a low-key week, but everyday was a fun theme that related to a different Disney movie (although doing an interpretive dance to Colors of the Wind ended up not making the cut).  On Monday, the theme was Jungle Book and we did lots of jungle themed activities.  The theme for Tuesday was The Lion King and we did African safari themed activities and we got to watch a movie in its entirety in the afternoon, and the kids even got to enjoy a bag of freshly popped pocorn .  I had not seen The Lion King in a while, but watching again reaffirmed my position that it's one of the best Disney movies ever.  On Wednesday, we did Aladdin theme and they got to make magic carpets and do other fun activities.  On Thursday, to end the week, we did a Pixar theme and after (another) scheduling problem, we got to watch The Incredibles in the afternoon.  During Week 6 at Chapel Hill, our reading volunteers came from arch-nemesis Trietsch UMC of Flower Mound so I decided to entertain myself (and annoy my team) by wearing a FUMC Lewisville shirt every day that week just so they knew which church had an intern there and which didn't.

In a complete turnaround from week 6, week 7 at Chapel Hill was action packed with a really exciting theme: Olympics/Around the World.  Every day we talked about a different continent and a sport that's popular there with Monday being about Europe and basketball (that one was a stretch), Tuesday being about Asia and Taekwondo, and Wednesday was about South America and soccer. Also on Tuesday, we had a visit from the Fire Department of Farmers Branch and so the kids were really excited about that.  And to cap it all off, we had Family Fun Night on Thursday.  It was a great night and similar to how the Olympics spotlight talent from great athletes from all over the world, we put on a talent show to spotlight the kids from Chapel Hill.  Lots of families came and I was quite impressed that these kids could have so much talent at such a young age.

Outside of programming, I have been doing lots of stuff to keep me from getting bored.  Last Saturday, I went to Six Flags Over Texas with a bunch of people from PT.  It was a great day with great weather (for most of the day) and it wasn't too crowded.  I overcame my fears of riding Superman (with a little help from Hannah Escalante) and finally did it.  I held onto dear life the entire time as well as closed my eyes for some of it, but all in all it really wasn't that bad.  The next day on Sunday, I went back to Six Flags Over Jesus aka Highland Park UMC.  After the worship service, I got a tour of the facilities that included fun facts about the 14,000 members and the 36 million dollar expansion.  Unlike last time I went to Highland Park UMC, I didn't almost get hit by a Porsche in the parking lot, so I'm going to call it a good day.

Although there's only one more week of programming and then Adventure Week, there's still so much left to do.  It will be a crazy couple of weeks, but I know it'll be definitely worth it!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 5 at Project Transformation!

I can't believe that it's already July, time just goes by so quickly here at PT!  I wasn't really as exhausted this week as I have been in the past, maybe because I'm finally getting used to the schedule, but more than likely it's because we had a nice holiday during the middle of the week.

This week's theme at Chapel Hill was Time Travel!  We built this amazing time machine and every day we had fun characters from the past come out of it and explain what era they were from.  On Monday, it was prehistoric day.  They made paper plate dinosaurs in arts and crafts and went on a dinosaur literacy dig that afternoon among other fun activities.  On Tuesday, we did Medieval plus some Founding Fathers to try to incorporate Independence Day into the week.  We got a visit from the Statue of Liberty and Betsy Ross that morning and then they built castles in arts and crafts.  That afternoon, we had all of the kids sign a Declaration of Independence and then we all sang patriotic songs together.  The girls then had a tea party and the boys did finger jousting.  We had Wednesday off for the holiday and then on Thursday we did the 60s, 70s, and 80s.  The kids made tie-dye in arts and crafts and later on made boom boxes in the afternoon.

Outside of camp, I had lots to do to keep me busy!  On Monday, I got my LSAT score.  Although it wasn't quite what I was hoping for, I find that very few people will have sympathy for me for getting a 163.  Tuesday night we had off, and so I got to go with some friends to JumpStreet in Plano.  Who would have though a giant warehouse of trampolines would be so much fun?  On Wednesday, I went home and my family went sailing on our sailboat in Lake Grapevine and later that evening we were able to watch the Flower Mound fireworks show from Parkway Elementary which is right next to my house.  Thursday night was the Coffee House here at PT and I was able to see some amazing performances from my fellow interns.  This weekend I will be seeing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the new Wyly Theatre in the Arts District. Also, I will be speaking on Sunday at my home church in Lewisville so I'm excited by that as well.  Next week, there should be once again lots to keep my busy and of course I will keep everyone updated by this blog.