
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The No Spin Zone: Dirty, Sexy, Politics

Well, after this week, I think we will all think twice before electing a congressman with the last name Wiener.  But really, why should he be demonized?  He has connected with young Americans using social media in ways that have never been seen before.

I have read many different opinions on if he did anything wrong, if he should resign, etc.  I have read many opinions from Rep Wiener's political allies that claim that his personal life shouldn't be under scrutiny because he has liberal social views on marriage and the family as opposed to conservatives, whose every indiscretion should be highly publicized and scrutinized.  In all honesty, they might as well be saying that we shouldn't expect any better from Democrats because... they're Democrats.  Using this logic, people like Rep Wiener and former President Clinton don't have to live up to the same standards that most reasonable people try to live up to because they have a (D) listed after the name. That is just ridiculous, no pun intended.

When Republicans become involved in sex scandals, they're ostracized and are usually called upon to resign, by members of their own party, no less.  Some examples would be Jeb Bush and Newt Gingrich who at some point in time might have been credible Presidential candidates, but have since become political afterthoughts.  Many Republican Congressmen like Reps Mark Foley and Chris Lee subsequently resigned after embarrassing scandals came out.  Because they're Republicans, they're terrible hypocrites who live a life modeled after the expression of "Do as I say, not as I do." Personally, I actually agree with these people who believe that Republicans should live up to the same standards that they preach.  With that said, scandals involving Democrats might be less ironic, but they're just as idiotic.  

Summary: Republicans who are involved in sex scandals are kicked out of the party.  Democrats, on the other hand, become the most popular person at the party.

Many of Wiener's allies claim that it is unrealistic for us to want our politicians to be perfect.  I disagree.
It is not unrealistic for us to expect our public officials to not send pictures of their penises to college women.
It is not unrealistic for us to expect our public officials to not be getting oral sex in the Oval Office.
It is not unrealistic for us to expect our public officials to not lie about their cheating and other indiscretions.

I don't expect perfection, but I will never ignore stupidity and arrogance.


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