
Monday, May 16, 2011

Why "The Promised Land"

When I wrote my original Facebook status referring to Texas as "The Promised Land", I got the expected response.  All of my Texan friends liked it.  All of my Arkansas friends ridiculed it.  Myself and both groups of friends represented their stereotypes well: Texans obnoxiously bragging about how great Texas is, non-Texans getting jealous of us lucky few that get to live in Texas.  What most don't know, though, is that I had actually intended the status to be much longer, but I knew the greatness of Texas could not be communicated in a short Facebook status.  A blog post, and an entire blog for that matter, had to be created!  

Here's the story: I first thought of the analogy as I was stuck in traffic in Durant, Oklahoma for almost an hour during my drive home to Lewisville.  I thought to myself, 'God, this must be how Moses felt in the desert for those forty years.'  When that wonderful time came that I passed the 'Welcome To Texas' sign, I felt a sense of relief to finally be back in my home land, a feeling that I'm sure Moses must have felt when he finally arrived in Israel thousands of years ago.  Add to that, there's even a parallel between our stories in the similarity of names between the bodies of water separating our march towards our respective Promised Lands! While Moses may have had the power of God to separate the Red Sea, I harnessed the great power of TxDOT to get me across the Red River, all with similar results. Clearly, I didn't need a burning bush to tell where God was wanting me to go.

So, ya, that just happened.  Fortunately, not every post on this blog will be sacrilegious like this one.  Some will be my attempt at humor,  some will be serious, but most will be a combination of both as I blog about my thoughts on politics on both the national and local level as well as my thoughts on religion.  I hope you follow me on this blog because you all know I need constant praise.



1 comment:

  1. Funny, I felt the same way both times I moved OUT of Texas and back to Arkansas. lol
