
Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Year in Review

Another school year in the books,and what an exciting one it has been.  My junior year of college involved living a crazy and busy life in Washington, D.C. last summer,  London this past fall, and finally back to Razorback Country in Fayetteville during this most recent semester.  As I think back on these great experiences over the past year, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to take them as most people never get to study abroad or have an internship in Washington, D.C.  The classes I took challenged me to reach new heights of knowledge and to better understand the world around me, at least politically and economically (which is all that matters, right?).

It's weird to think that I just finished my junior year as it seems just like yesterday that I was at orientation being told that my major had been phased out.  Time continues to march on apparently and now as I prepare to spend this summer in Dallas working for Project Transformation leading summer camps that serve underprivileged children and youth, I am excited by the prospects of spending my summer meeting new people and serving the poor.  I am also looking forward to my senior year of college.  It will be one of new experiences, but at the same time obnoxious sentimentalism (mainly from me) as the final chapter of my (undergraduate) college experience is written.

Guys, this is my LAST post as a junior!  -Just a preview for next year.